Please be advised of the following bus cancellations for the entire day today due to inclement weather:
All Dimit Bus Line buses 101, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 110, 205, 225, 235, 306
The following First Student buses 100, 102, 302, 304, 308, 312
All Naicatchewenin First Nation buses NFN830, NFN831, NFN832
Maury Nielson 215, 251
Murray McDonald 113, 216, 230, 240
Keith Jolicouer 220
Colin Romyn 260
Big Grassy High School bus
All Rainy River First Nation buses
All Seine River First Nation buses
Big Island First Nation BIFN800
All Nigigoonsiminikaaning buses
The following schools are closed for the day today to students:
Nestor Falls School
McCrosson-Tovell School
Please check back often for updates.